1 Easy Tip to Improve Your Health (yes, only one!)

There are many articles with tips to improve your health, in just 10 minutes I Googled the following 102 tips and another 5,290,000 results are waiting for me.

16 tips

7 tips

21 tips

20 tips 

12 tips 

16 tips 

10 tips

So why do you need another tip?
1 Tip Post

Two kinds of tips 

Well, let’s take a closer look at those tips. Many of them overlap and most have two things in common;

1. The do MORE group

Drink more water
Drink more tea
Eat more vegetables
Eat more wholegrain
Eat more fibre
Eat more probiotics
Study nutrition facts
Chew more
Consume more oily fish
Walk more
Sleep more
Laugh more
Squat to poo more
Go outside more
Get more vitamin D
Complement your spouse more often
Be more grateful
Be more positive
Eat more varied food
Hug more
More Vegetables

2. The do LESS group

Eat less
Consume fewer calories
Stop drinking your calories
Eat less fast food
Eat less sugar
Eat less fat
Eat less red meat
Drink less soda
Drink less alcohol
Reduce your salt
Avoid skipping breakfast
Now, whilst tips make interesting reading, why don’t they work?
I mean if it were that simple, we would all read them, do them and all have excellent health.  Yet this is not the case. Why not? What’s happening?
The problem is not people lack knowledge (there is a wealth of that on the Internet), the problem is in implementation. We are not following through. 
Why not?

How to Follow Through

Some people wrongly conclude that they just lack the will-power. They even continually tell themselves so, 
‘I’m rubbish at focusing’
‘I have no self-discipline’ 
This is not necessarily true, as research shows.  Will-power is not innate nor really a skill, but more like a muscle, as you use it it gets tired and depleted, but also it can be developed. So, we don’t necessarily lack will-power; we all have it, we just need make sure we haven’t depleted it when we need it most. 
No, what is really stopping us from following through is…
1. Believing – we don’t really believe the tips we read
2. Deciding – we don’t make a decision to act
3. Prioritising – we may believe, we may decide, but we don’t prioritise it. Until we do, it’ll never happen.
4. Taking on too much – we may do all 3 above, but then we decide to do too much.
So to improve our health, as well as finding good information (like for example the 12 tips article above), we need to believe it, decide, prioritise, then choose one tip to focus on.



You believe something when you are confident it’s true. Such confidence either comes from someone you trust (who recommends something) or from time you invest in learning something, so you know enough to say, ‘this is likely true’ or ‘this is a good source of information’.


Deciding is so deceptively simple that people usually forget to do it. It only takes a second but unleashes great power and energy. Successful people are quick to decide, and slow to reverse their decision. You must decide to act.


Prioritising is a commonly disguised truth. Many people don’t take action and then say, 
‘Something else came up at work’
‘I’ve had no time to do it, it’s been a busy week’. 
That’s all nonsense. You did the other things, you chose to dedicate your time to those things, instead of others. It’s just a question of priorities and choices you have made. Once you are aware of the priorities you are making, then you can change them.
Believing, deciding and prioritising are all preparation steps, and important ones.

The One Tip

To make improving your health a reality there is really just one easy tip you need to follow;
Focus on one tip
Focus on one thing to change or start doing, and just do it.
Yes, do the preparation (believe, decide and prioritise), then finally focus. Don’t get distracted, don’t take on too much, get focused on changing just one thing.
That focus will get you outstanding results.

1 thought on “1 Easy Tip to Improve Your Health (yes, only one!)”

  1. Pingback: How to Create a Healthy Lifestyle | Seriously Fun Food

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